What is this all about?
Minis are a wonderful tool to represent your character on a table top, and this fun new concept aims to take that to the next level! Rather than giving you a single mini in a dynamic, but fixed pose, we'll give you a kit containing the same character in a variety of poses so that you can use the appropriate mini for the encounter!

In each set, you'll find the character in the following poses:
• Battle pose
• Standing, at ease
• Seated
• Unconscious
• Mounted on a horse
You'll also get a mini of their horse, riderless, and you'll get a small portrait of the character that you can attach to your character sheet.
We've already released two characters, and there will be a third one coming out soon!

The Templar represents a human female fighter. Find out more and get a free paper mini

The Mage represents an elven male spellcaster. Find out more and get a free paper mini.