I've been absent again.. Just a quick note to let you all know what's been happening while I've been neglecting the blog.
First up, I believe that I've managed to fix a bug on Papercraft Dungeon that was a constant thorn in my side and was causing some firefox users to have trouble downloading stuff. Formerly this would occasionally cause the zip file to be rendered in the browser window as text instead of kicking up the "save as/open with" dialogue, but it seems to be working properly now. If you've been running into difficulty there, then please try again.
Secondly, I've got some new stuff on the way. First up is a new premium set named The Luxurious Lair. It will feature a whole bunch of 3d props for your dungeons like furniture, staircases and room dividers, along with some brand new and very cool rounded corner dungeon tiles great for representing towers, and combinable with all the exisiting dungeon tiles to create some interesting room shapes. Here's a quick preview of the tiles. I'll post some pictures of the furniture pieces very soon.

Finally, and slightly off topic, I've been trying to break into the comic book industry, either doing pencils or colours. So far, no luck, but I'm still trying. As part of this, I've actually written and started drawing a comic. The first chapter is 10 pages long and I will likely be releasing that online at some point in the next couple months. For those interested, I've got some quick previews from the pencil art below. Update: The first page of the comic is here!