The short explanation for my absence over the last 4 months is that I haven't had much spare time as my graphic design business has been keeping me incredibly busy. I have had some time, just not enough time. The dungeon tiles and counters I create for Kev's Lounge generally take a fair bit of time to create. There are ways I could speed up the production I suppose, but in my mind that'd only cheapen what I'm trying to do here. I do it for the art, and I don't like taking shortcuts. There's a sense of satisfaction I get from the pieces I produce, knowing that I've created something that looks good to myself and to anyone who downloads and uses it. Every piece that I design gets built and added to my collection and gets used at the game sessions that the crew and I hold here weekly, and if it's not ready for my games table, I won't put it online.
Here are some previews of the various projects that will be posted here in the near future:

New Dungeon Hazard and Obstacle markers. Got a big set of these on the way as soon as I finish up some of the last bits of artwork. The set will include all the markers already released in the dungeon tile sets as well as a several new markers to complement them. Pictured above are some of the new rubble markers, a chest marker and 2 bedroll markers.

The second set in the Rocklands outdoor tiles. The first set was limited to a serpentine linear trail, while this set includes crossroad sections and t-junctions making this set infinitely more useful! Naturally it will also include more hazard and obstacle markers, and like it's predecessor it will come with a 1" grid or without one. Also in the pipeline are a set of proper instructions for the assembly and a 1.5" grid for the Mage Knight crowd.

Brand new sets of tokens to follow on from the Ammo set. These sets are focused on Supplies and Money. Pictured above: One of the new Potion tokens, an Olive Oil token. a Standard Rations token and a Gold Coin token. The finished sets will include over 30 new double sided token designs with multiple denominations of all the common coin types, a range of ration types, a variety of consumables like spell components, and several new potions and poisons. Silver Coins and Gold Coins are now available!
There are several other projects on the drawing board, including further expansions to the dungeon tiles allowing for non rectangular rooms and angled and curving corridors. There will also be new papercraft doors in a variety of styles which will be a great improvement in both style and appearance on the previous ones.
Lastly, I intend to spend more time on articles for this site including reviews and possibly tutorials so that it doesn't sit quiet in between projects like it has in the past. Lately we've been playing a lot of Descent here in Kev's Lounge so I may write about that a little in the coming weeks while I get the new sets finished up. If you have any thoughts on things you'd like to see, please leave a comment!