Finally back after a long absence. Very long story and I won't bore you with it, but to say sorry I bring a gift of gold! This is a set of counters designed to make it easier to keep track of gold in Dungeons and Dragons and other fantasy RPGs. I started with Gold cos Gold Pieces are one of the most common forms of currency in fantasy settings, and that means that they will be pretty useful to most fantasy role players. They'd even be good in a Mordheim campaign. I've designed them in such a way as to make it very easy to get nice attractive double sided counters that are perfectly lined up. Single sided counters are a pain when they're upside down!
Currently the set comes in 5 denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100. You will probably want to make a few copies, particularly of the 100 gold coin pieces. You'll want at least 4 each of the 1's and 10's for each player and a bucket load of 100's if you need to keep track of high volumes of cash.
Silver Coin, Copper Coin and Platinum Coins sets are out now! I've also just added an add-on for this set to give you tokens for 500 and 1000 Gold Coins.

Use the counters like you'd use Energy in Risk 2210, or money in Monopoly. The denominations are marked by size in addition to the printed detail so that you can tell them apart at a glance.
Download Kev's Lounge: Gold Coin Counters at Papercraft Dungeon
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