Kev's Lounge is, as I've
mentioned before, where games are played. My
friends and I get together once a week or so, and socialise while
playing something. We play a lot of different games, especially now that
one of our friends has opened up an
online store selling them.
Mordheim's a bit of a favourite among some of us, and once a year we'll
start up a campaign. We've just started the 2012 one, and today I'm
going to introduce you to some of the Kev's Loungers who are
participating in it, and over the next few weeks I'll have some articles
that tie in to the game and our campaign. There will also be a few
Kev's Lounge sets and other resources that the Mordheim players out
there might find useful.
Rian: Sisters of Sigmar

Rian loves his
Risk 2210, and REALLY loves his Mordheim. He particularly loves calculating the perfect combination of soldiers and weapons... while the rest of us will just grab what looks cool and cut out whatever throws us over budget, Rian will actually go and stat up 3 or 4 different warbands and weigh them up before picking one. Rian loves his warbands shooty, and has had a lot of luck with Reiklanders, Pirates and the Norse. Sisters are a new experience for him as a warband that is lot more hands-on and not all that impressive in the ranged department.
Devin: Undead

Devin likes his warbands evil and powerful, and the undead certainly fit that description to a tee. He's also particularly fussy about which minis he uses, going out of his way to avoid the big grandiose sculpts, figuring that the big ones are easier to see and harder to get into cover. (If he could, he'd make an entire warband of miniatures in a leopard crawl pose). He's no stranger to the undead, having played them a few times before. Last time his vampire got nicknamed The Meatgrinder after singlehandedly wiping out an entire beastman warband that he'd caught in a bottle neck during a dungeon crawl mission.
Gavin: Possessed

Gavin has played many different warbands over the years, but keeps coming back to the Possessed, just because they're so effective at absolutely demolishing the opposition through sheer brute strength (and acidic blood.) Gav tends to name his warbands and their members with a pop culture theme.
Colin: Skaven

Colin cycles between the undead, beastmen and skaven, and does pretty well with all of them. With Skaven he takes the Gank 'Em All approach, picking quantity over quality to devastating effect. Colin also tends to have the most insane luck with dice, seemingly rolling an absolutely outrageous number of sixes in any given session.
Rick: Dwarf Treasure Hunters
True to form, Rick will stubbornly stick to the Dwarves campaign after campaign, despite their short-comings (pardon the pun). He tends to favour Pratchett-esque names for his beardy little warriors. In the last campaign, his Dwarf Noble missed half of the games due to injury... This time around, his Noble is a gromril-clad invulnerable tank.
Kevin: Witch Hunters

And then there's me. I tend towards human warbands, from mercenaries to pirates and the norse. Witch hunters seemed a good choice this campaign, what with all the shambling dead and chaos-mutated possessed running around.
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